Finding space for the digital workplace

At the turn of the 21st century, we predicted that 20,000 years of progress would happen over the next 100 years. In reality, technology has transformed how we work even faster than we thought - especially over the past two decades.

According our report, 53 percent of survey respondents expect technological breakthroughs to transform ways of working further within the next 5 to 10 years. The new infrastructure and workforce promises significant opportunities for organizations that adapt to the demands of the digital revolution. Will yours be one of them?

Prepare the the next wave

A 2017 study found that approximately 30 percent of tasks across 60 percent of occupations are likely to be computerized within the next few years. It also warned about the impact that machines, robots and cognitive computers will have on up to 15 million jobs in the UK and 80 million jobs in the US.

Company leaders can prepare for automation by upskilling their teams. This could be in the form of workplace mentoring schemes, online training software or weekly seminars. From graduate recruits to middle managers, proactively filling the digital-skills gap through robust, purpose-built training programs will prepare staff for the latest technological changes.

Investing time in teams will boost productivity, ensure long-term growth and help companies prosper. Part of achieving this will be looking at where people work as well as how they work. By 2030, 10 percent of the largest companies in the US will be virtual corporations, with less than 10 percent of their employees working in an office at any given time. Companies must ensure that they have workplace tools available for those who work remotely.

Sixty-four percent of business leaders also believe that they would improve productivity if they slashed commute times. By choosing flexible workplace options like workspace-as-a service, and therefore having offices in cities all over the world, employees can spend more time tackling their workload and less time on the road. Such locations aren't for long-distance travelers alone. Fifty-seven percent of workers tell us that they work remotely in order to remain productive while traveling to and from meetings.

Invest in a digital workplace strategy
Leaders are already pursuing ways to integrate tech solutions like social media tools and virtual meeting systems into their workflows. They are entirely automating processes in areas such as training and recruitment, which allows staff to spend more time on innovation. Unified communication breaks down barriers and transforms the employee experience so that is more collaborate - fostering growth, innovation and efficiency in the process.

Building an effective digital workplace strategy requires setting clear business objectives and technology priorities. The right digital tools should lower barriers to contribution and participation across the workplace and empower employees to make a more collaborative approach to key operational tasks. This can only be achieved by executing change management effectively and by providing the necessary training for staff member. Success in achieving the defined business objectives should be measured and reviewed throughout a probationary period.

When businesses struggle to connect to key digital infrastructure, the productivity and morale of their teams suffer. Early last year, approximately 75,000 companies representing more than 4.5 million employees came together through their chambers of commerce and wrote a letter to the UK government addressing how poor broadband was impacting their businesses. Having access to the right equipment and technologies wherever you are ensures maximum productivity.

Create a robust data strategy
Data is fast becoming the critical foundation for decision-making and market analysis. Across all sectors, the rate and efficiency with which companies handle and process data is now a driving factor in gaining a competitive advantage.

As machine learning, robotics and cognitive analysis grow in sophistication, automation is enabling businesses to re-evaluate how they structure their workforce. According to a report, one manager saved 43 minutes per month for the company by instituting improved workplace tools. The company estimated that, with more than 30,000 managers, this would add up to an annual productivity increase of $12 million.

Research predicts that machine learning will play an important role in data preparation and predictive analysis for businesses as big data grows more prominent. By 2018, the US is expected to face a skills shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical abilities and to lack 1.5 million managers and analysts who know how to use big data to make decisions effectively.

As digital infrastructure has been required to carry more and more data, software virtualization has become an important tool in managing the increasing complexity. Software-defined networking (SDN) enables cloud and network engineers and administrators to respond quickly to evolving business needs. With this infrastructure in place, organizations can efficiently manage data as they scale their operations across markets and integrate their services into new platforms.

For professionals who like to act quickly to refine and improve their operations, choosing the right workspace means choosing excellent digital connections and the associated technical infrastructure. Working somewhere that is conveniently located and equipped with all of the proper IT will help you and your team to focus on solving problems and pursuing new opportunities.

The right technology and infrastructure is vital for your business - today, tomorrow and the day after that. That's why, at Motiff Shop Corporate, we work hard to ensure that you stay seamlessly connected and ahead of the game.
