Don't accept a promotion unless you know the answer to these 3 questions

Hooray, a promotion! But before you accept and pop the champagne, you'll need to think through whether the promotion is one you'll want to accept. It may seem counterintuitive, but not all promotions lead to the career advancement you want.

1. What's the next promotion outlook?
"Like a game of chess, you can't just consider whether or not this one promotion move is good for our career, but you also need to consider the next two or three moves after that. A promotion that's a dead end in the organization may not be the best, long-term move for you or your career."

2. What are the additional responsibilities that come with the promotion?
"More money and a better title don't always equal a better quality of life. For example, if a promotion takes you from working a 40-hour workweek to a 60-hour workweek, that's something you need to consider. If you travel now 10 percent of the time and the new position is going to have you traveling 30 percent of the time, again it's something you'll need to factor in."

3. Who will you be working with and/or for?
"Let's be honest, there are people who are easier/more pleasant to work with, and there are some who are not. If your promotion has you changing teams and/or who you'll be reporting to, you need to be sure these are people you feel like you'll be successful with, before accepting the new position."

Understanding the ins and outs of a promotion offer are just as important as the dollars and cents. Similar to a salary negotiation, it's important that you remember that this is a conversation with back and forth, and it's expected that you will ask questions of your manager.

By asking key questions about the technicalities, you can get to the bottom of whether the promotion, and all of the responsibilities associated with it, are on par with what you want for your bank account and your career.
